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So, what is the best event venue we’ve seen in Brussels so far?
There are so many interesting places, where we still have to film.
Besides, being Brussel a very dynamic city, new venues pop up on an almost daily basis.
So, this is the second part of our top 10, where we reveal the best event venue in Brussels.
Brussels Park, 1000 – Brussels
What about a nice outdoor event?
Ok, in Belgium that may come with a high degree of uncertainty, because of the weather, but consider the positive trade off: people in Brussels go crazy when they can enjoy fresh air and some rays of sun.
So, you may be make them happy just by inviting them, no matter what your event is about.
Be sure you have an umbrella
Only problem (apart from the rain): it may not be that easy to book a spot, as the park mainly serves as a big big public event venue.
Take a tour of the venue
In a world, where everything is communication, you have to master your own means of digital production.
04. Comix museum (Centre belge de la bande dessinée)
Rue des Sables 20, 1000 – Brussels
Another very cool location to set up an original event, which your guests will not forget, is the Centre belge de la bande dessinée.
Apart from having a very nice director, you will be surrounded by a very intriguing scenario of visuals
and paper.
Pick your hero
The venue features some Belgian and international comix heros, such as the Schtroumpf, Tin Tin, Asterix, Corto Maltese, and more.
There are not many nor very big event rooms, but if you do not expect a big audience, why not?
Take a tour of the venue

03. Galerie ravenstein
Galerie Ravenstein 40/41, 1000 – Brussels
We really love to film in unconventional spots, which are not necessarily event venues (or, at least, not always).
A couple of times, for the Brussels Electronic Marathon in 2016 and for a runway show in 2018, we had the
chance to film at Galerie Ravenstein.
Better not in winter time
It is a recently renewed public space in the heart of Brussels, 2 minute walking from the Central Station (Gare Centrale – Centrale Station).
If your event is a flash-mob kind of event, don’t go any further!
Take a tour of the venue
Rue de la RĂ©gence 3, 1000 – Brussels
Going back to more conventional venue spots, a warm advice would be the very central and fully equipped Bip, managed by the local municipality.
You may expect a slightly less expensive proposal for a large room with all the necessary ingredients to a successful public event, conference, or similar.
Keep your event central
It may be insanely expensive, as the hypes always cost a lot, but a bunch of businessmen will appreciate the artsy context.
In conclusion, they will be reassured by the fact that all those artists around are dead already.
Take a tour of the venue
We have created the first and most powerful automation system for online video booking.
01. Solvay library (Bibliothèque Solvay)
Leopoldpark – Rue Belliard 137, 1040 – Brussels
Plunged in the green atmosphere of the Leopold park, literally a few metres from the back of the European Parliament, the Solvay library offers an old-style lecture room, preciously decorated with wood, mosaics and coloured glass.
Summer pick number one
The venue is really elegant and classy, perfect for high-level, not-too-corporate, events, presentations, conferences.
It also offers a not too big but very charming terrace, which your guests can enjoy during summer.
Take a tour of the venue

more venues
Our front-runners
We hope you can find some good ideas to set up your event and to do it successfully.
There are many other places, where we have filmed (or not), which would deserve a mention among the best event venues in Brussels.
This list includes: the Radisson hotel in Rue Belliard, which offers many different high-level solutions; Copernico Science 14 (Rue de la Science 14); Transforma BXL, which is a co-working space; la Tricoterie(Rue Théodore Verhaegen 158 B-1060 Bruxelles).
It also includes Square Brussels center (Rue Ravenstein 2 B-1000 Bruxelles); or even the very intriguing Train World, Bozar museum, Tour & Taxisplus other fancy spots, which you can easily find on Google.
Conclusion – best event venue in Brussels
Just keep in mind that the best spots have a veeeeeery long waiting list, so you should consider to act, at least, a few months before your scheduled occasion.
Also, in terms of budget, if you are not used to Brussels’ standards, you might find the average price to organize an event in Brussels completely insane.
We agree.
However, this is how it is.
A low-cost solution may be to ask a local association or theatre: they may offer less conventional but more affordable event venues.
Or just ask Smart Videos: we have this bad habit to find solutions for event organizers.