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How do I define and achieve my communication objective?

Home » Darsi al video marketing in 3 semplici passaggi » 1. Fissare un obiettivo di comunicazione

Is your aim simply to increase online visibility or are you also looking to build reputation? Promote an event? Improve search ranking? Generate more leads, sales or followers?

In this website this icon represents the category inbound marketing strategy

How do I define my communication objective?

The best way to define a communication and marketing objective is using a model. Unlike a methodology, it provides a simple and flexible framework to structure my thinking.


Have you ever heard of SMART goals?

SMART is an acronym for the five parameters used to measure a marketing objective. This model has the key advantage of being easy to verify and replicate.

In general, the world of marketing offers plenty of good models, I just need to find the right balance between theory and practice.

How to reach my communication objectives

For example, the 5 Whys Model offers an approach to exhaustively break down any strategic decision while the REAN (Reach, Engage, Activate, Nurture) Model covers the key stages of the consumer journey.

In conclusion, any model that challenges my beliefs, without confining me to a purely intellectual exercise, can help me to accurately define my marketing objectives.

some examples


I have created an online tool that will allow you avoid confusion and choose the right goal for you and your organisation.

Examples of communication objectives

To achieve a communication goal, I first need to ask myself the right questions. I got asked these questions by customers and friends all the time; maybe they’ll give you some inspiration!

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