What’s the difference between inbound and content marketing?
The fundamental difference between inbound marketing and content marketing is that the former is a strategy, the latter is rather a tactics.
Content is the how, while inbound is the why.
The fundamental difference between inbound marketing and content marketing is that the former is a strategy, the latter is rather a tactics.
Content is the how, while inbound is the why.
Content marketing is a tactic used to pursue a specific strategy: typically, it exploits a mix of communications, such as a blog, a YouTube channel or a newsletter.
It involves creation and, possibly, even creativity.
But not necessarily as part of an “inbound strategy”.
You can use a Youtube channel to promote your new line of yogurts (outbound). Or you can present a series of tasty recipes based on yogurt (inbound).
Inbound mkt is about creating value, it is the WHY: it targets people’s attention, as their wallet usually follows.
Among the many formats used by content marketing, technological growth has made video a first choice.
The decline of the audience’s attention span has made it a compelling choice.
The use of photos in marketing has taken a back seat with the explosion of video.
Yet we take for granted a format that, for less cost, can deliver the same if not better results.
We really hope that this website shows enough of the genuine love we have for graphic design.
The great thing about graphic design is that the less you see it, the more you feel it.
Video marketing works well, because some images are worth a thousand words.
Yet textual communication can do a lot for marketing, starting with search engine optimisation.
Play is like the economy, a universal social phenomenon, made up of relationships, exchange and learning.
Gamification is the most interesting tactic in international marketing today.
Merchandising is often seen as a side marketing format. On the contrary, a gadget is a sophisticated marketing tactic.
It shows creativity, dedication and valuable attention to detail.
Choose your communication objective, pick the appropriate video solution, make one video per month.
Now you know what outbound and inbound marketing are.
You also know the difference between outbound and content marketing.
Before your dig further, these are 5 essential steps to follow, no matter what strategy or tactic you are going to use.
In conclusion, remember that a successful marketing strategy, in particular if you work in a niche B2B market, is nothing but you being useful, inspiring, reliable.
This is how you establish trust.
A SMART objective is Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time defined. If you lack these elements, you are running on empty.
Entrepreneurship is instinct in times of uncertainty. However, with all the data available today, only the insane and ignorant rely on their gut feelings.
Take a blank sheet of paper, divide it into four equal parts: write down all the strengths of your business and, next to them, all the weaknesses you can think of. Immediately below: write down all the opportunities you see and all the threats..
It’s nice to take flights of fancy and think about everything you could do in life. If only you had the time and resources. Don’t beat yourself up: get the most out of what you have.
If you don’t contemplate the risk of making mistakes, you will end up doing business as usual, which brings neither results nor rewards.
At least save yourself the trouble.
First, you need to identify your communication goal.
Then, figure out which video solution is the best fit for you.
Finally, start making one smart video every month.